Hand-washing Station Copy

All PMU procedure rooms must have access to a hand-washing station. Every hand-washing station must have: A sink that has hot and cold waterLiquid soapDry, disposable paper towel and paper towel dispenserClosed-lid waste container

PPE Copy

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE”, is equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that causes workspace injuries and illnesses. Below are some PPE that will protect you from any hazards during a procedure and allow you to have a...

Sanitation Copy

As a PMU artist, you will be handling a lot of hazardous tools such as needles and sharps and you will be dealing with blood/bodily fluids. Practicing safe and proper sanitation is very important for a successful business and a healthy work environment. Practicing...

What To Do If You Poke Yourself

As a PMU/brow artist, is very important to know what to do in case of a puncture wound since we work with sharps and bodily fluids every day. Although, statistically, the risk of transmission of a bloodborne disease through a needlestick is low, it is important to...

Workstation Breakdown

The following are steps to properly break down your workstation: Take off and dispose your soiled gloves. Wash your hands and put on a brand-new set of gloves.Remove the sharps from your workstation (needles & razor blade) and dispose them into a sharps...