What To Do If You Poke Yourself Copy

As a PMU/brow artist, is very important to know what to do in case of a puncture wound since we work with sharps and bodily fluids every day. Although, statistically, the risk of transmission of a bloodborne disease through a needlestick is low, it is important to...

Workstation Breakdown

The following are steps to properly break down your workstation: Take off and dispose your soiled gloves. Wash your hands and put on a brand-new set of gloves.Remove the sharps from your workstation (needles & razor blade) and dispose them into a sharps...

Workstation Setup

The following are steps to properly set up your workstation: Wash your hands with warm water & liquid soap for at least 20-30 secondsPut on disposable glovesSanitize your work area with your medical-grade wipes (bed, stool, tray, ring light, etc.)Replace your...

Hand-washing Station Copy

All PMU procedure rooms must have access to a hand-washing station. Every hand-washing station must have: A sink that has hot and cold waterLiquid soapDry, disposable paper towel and paper towel dispenserClosed-lid waste container